“Are you ready to bring your fantastic project idea to life in your church community? As a project proponent, you know that securing funding from the church treasurer is vital to making your vision a reality.
But what if your proposal gets turned down?
Don’t worry; I’ve got you covered. In this article, I’ll share the top 10 most common reasons why church treasurers deny project proposals.
If you avoid these mistakes, your proposal will improve, and you will have a better chance of getting the money you need.
This information will help you a lot whether you have done this before or not.
1. Not enough money to run the program
One reason church ministries sometimes cannot start a new program is insufficient money.
This means there needs to be more money to pay for everything we need for the program, like materials, staff, and other things. If we do not have enough money, the program might not work as we want it to.
So, before starting a new program, the treasurer (who manages the finances) must check that enough money is available to pay for it.
How to respond to this objection?
If the treasurer says there needs to be more money for a new program, it is vital to have a plan that shows exactly how much the program will cost.
The plan should also show how the program will be paid for and why the program is a good idea. It is also important to say what will happen if insufficient money and how this problem can be fixed.
It is essential to show the treasurer how the program can help the church before they agree. Show the treasurer that the program is a good idea and will help the church in the future.

2. Not sure what the program is supposed to do.
This means that the goals and objectives of the program need to be clarified. It can be hard to know what the program is trying to accomplish and what it should do to succeed.
One reason church treasurers might object to a new project is that they don’t understand what it will do. It can be easy to see that there is a need for the project and to understand its idea, but it can take time to know what will happen due to the project.
Treasurers are the people in charge of the money. They might need to learn all the details about a project. It is crucial to explain the project and how it helps the church before asking for money. That way, they can give money to projects that will help the church succeed.
It is essential to communicate with everyone who is involved. This way, everyone knows why something needs to be done, how it will be done, and what a successful outcome looks like. This can help people in the ministry agree on any proposed programs or projects.
How to respond to this objection?
The program leader needs to define the goals and objectives of the program clearly. Set measurable goals that reflect the church’s mission so it is easy to track progress and measure success. Explain why each goal is important and how it will help the church achieve its mission.
3. Not enough things to make the program work.
This means more resources are needed to help the program run smoothly. This might include materials, tools, or people to support the program work.
When church treasurers decline project proposals, insufficient resources could be a contributing factor.
For example, the church treasurer may not have access to enough money or materials needed to complete the project successfully.
The treasurer for the church may not have enough people to help with the project. These people could be volunteers or professionals who have special skills.
With limited resources available, the church treasurer’s priority is to use those resources for projects that will benefit the church body the most.
How to respond to this objection?
If someone objects to a project proposal because there need to be more resources, the best way forward is to find ways to get help.
Look for partnerships with organizations or individuals who can contribute money, materials, or time to the project. Consider seeking out different fundraising opportunities or expanding volunteer needs.
These solutions may work together to bridge any resource gaps and allow for the successful completion of the project.
4. Worries that something terrible might happen with the program.
This means that there are concerns or risks associated with the program. This includes accidents, equipment damage, or other problems that arise while the program runs.
Church treasurers can say no to a program if it might be dangerous. Depending on the type of program, accidents or equipment could get broken. There might also be other problems.
Church treasurers want to ensure that any activities are undertaken safely and will not put church members or property at risk.
Additionally, church treasurers may worry about extra costs that are not obvious initially. These could be insurance or money needed to keep the project going. It is essential to talk about these concerns with the treasurer so that you can get permission to continue with the project.
How to respond to this objection?
The best way to respond when the treasurer objects are to explain the safety measures you have taken and address any potential risks.
Make a plan for how the program will be managed and kept safe. For example, someone will need to ensure everyone follows the safety rules. Make sure there are no hidden costs throughout the project by being transparent about fees from the beginning.
These steps can alleviate any worries associated with the program and ensure that church treasurers can approve the project.
5. Not sure when the program will be finished
This means there is yet to be a clear timeline for the program’s completion. It can be hard to know how long it will take to finish the program and what steps need to be taken to make it happen.
Church treasurers may not like it when there is no timeline for completing a program. With a timeline, it is easier to know when the program will be done and what resources we need to finish it.
Church treasurers may worry about how long it will take to finish a program and if it will be worth it for their congregation. It is vital to give an estimated timeline so church treasurers can plan for the program.
How to respond to this objection?
To address the objection of not having a clear timeline for the completion of a program, it is crucial to provide an estimated timeline to give church treasurers some sense of when their congregation can start benefitting from it.
Make a plan for how the program will be managed and maintained. Write down who will ensure everyone does what they are supposed to do and that it is safe. This will help us know when each task should be done and where we need to put resources so the project can succeed.

6. Hard to know if the program will work.
This means that it can take time to measure the program’s success. This might mean that it needs to be clarified how well the program is doing and what changes need to be made to improve it.
Church treasurers often say no to project proposals because it is difficult to know if the proposed program will be successful. Without knowing if it will work, there is a greater chance that it might not work, and church treasurers don’t want to take that risk. This can make it hard to get projects approved without guaranteeing they will succeed.
Church treasurers want to be sure that the program will work and benefit their congregation. It is essential to show them how the program will help the church and provide assurance that it will do what it is supposed to do.
How to respond to this objection?
The best way to address this objection is by providing evidence showing why the program will be successful. This could include data from past programs, studies, or research reports. Having tangible evidence assures that the program has a high chance of being successful.
Additionally, ensure you explain all aspects of the project in detail, including how it works, who is responsible for what tasks, any associated risks, and how you plan to monitor its progress.
7. The program might clash with other programs.
This means that the program could be competing with or getting in the way of other programs or initiatives. This could cause problems and make the program’s success harder.
Church treasurers may be worried about how a new program will work with the existing programs and activities of the church. They want to invest in something other than something that could ruin their current efforts.
Church treasurers need to trust that the program will not interfere with other initiatives and activities in the church. It is essential to explain how this program differs from others and how it could help the church community.
How to respond to this objection?
When someone objects to your idea, it is crucial to explain how it is unique and different from others. Show how your proposed project can work well with other projects or improve them. Explain why your idea is worth doing.
8. Not sure who is in charge of running the program.
This means who is responsible for overseeing and administering the program must be made clear. This might mean that no one is taking charge and deciding how the program should be run.
Church treasurers are often concerned about this because they want someone experienced and knowledgeable enough to manage the program. With a clear leader, it can be easy to ensure that the project will be successful.
It is vital to have someone in charge of running the program so that church leaders know who to turn to for questions or concerns. The person should also have a clear plan for how the program will run and what tasks need to be done.
How to respond to this objection?
The best way to address this objection is by identifying a leader with experience managing similar programs and explaining their expertise. Outline this individual’s responsibilities and any support staff, volunteers, or advisors that may help with overseeing the project.

9. People don’t like change and don’t want to spend money on the program.
This means that some people might not be willing to spend money on the program or might not like changing how things are done. This could make it challenging to get the support and resources needed for the program.
Church treasurers may be worried that people in their congregation will not take kindly to a new idea or want to pay for it. They don’t want to risk alienating church members if the program is unsuccessful.
How to respond to this objection?
This can be addressed by showing your program’s value and why it benefits the church community. Explain how it will help them reach their goals and provide tangible results.
Focus on highlighting the positives of your project instead of emphasizing the changes that need to occur. Additionally, please explain how you plan to manage any risks associated with the project and provide evidence showing why it is worth investing in.
10. Money reports aren’t clear or accurate
This means that the financial reports or information about the program’s budget and finances needs to be clarified and accurate. This could make it difficult to understand how much money the program has or needs and could cause problems with the program’s finances.
Church treasurers must be confident that the financial information is accurate and up-to-date. With this, they may be able to invest in a program or approve additional funds.
How to respond to this objection?
This means ensuring the financial reports have all the correct information. This includes things like how much money was made and spent. That way, church leaders can make good decisions about whether or not to invest in the program.
Also, make a budget plan. Write down how much money you think you will need for the project and how long it will take. This will help show church leaders how much money they need to approve the project. Having a clear plan could help reduce any hesitancy from church leaders when supporting funds for the project.
All the things mentioned above are not silver bullets to all your problems regarding asking for funding and approval from your local church treasurer and church board.
Remember, when proposing projects in your church, we have our problems and unique situations.
You can download this free project proposal template designed to answer our discussed objections.
Feel free to download it.
Do you have something in your mind that you think should be on this list? Let us know in the comments below.